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Clan Blyth History

blyth_img_historyAlso found as Blythe, named after the barony of Blyth  in the lordship of Lauderdale. The place name still exists as a farm.

William de Blyth of Chirneside, Berwickshire rendered homage in 1296 and in 1302 the seal of Adam de Blyth was appended to an account of goods purchased at Perth.

James Blyth was burgess of Dundee in 1485 and William Blitht was admitted burgess of Aberdeen in 1488.

Richard Blyth represented Dundee in Parliament in 1567, Cuthbert Blyth was burgess of Edinburgh in 1563, Robert Blyth was retoured heir in land of Brounslope, Berwickshire, in 1646, and Archibald Blyth is recorded as Baxter in Dysart in 1691.

Blyth was a name common among the Border gypsies, one of whom was named Esther Faa Blyth who died in 1883.

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